4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Self Esteem, Self Efficacy and Locos of Control Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dalam Persfektif Balance Scorecard Pada Perum Pegadaian Boyolali

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    Survey results revealed regression equation Y = 1.791 + 1.216 X1 + 1.235 X2 + 1.468 X3 + e, meaning that each variable Self Esteem, Self Efficacy and Locus of Control has a positive effect on employee performance in the perspective of the Balanced Scorecard. Variables of the most dominant influence on employee performance variables in the perspective of the Balanced Scorecard is the Locus of Control because it has the highest regression coefficient values. Unknown variables of the F test Self Esteem, Self Efficacy and Locus of Control together have a significant effect on the performance of employees in the perspective of the Balanced Scorecard. T test known Self Esteem, Self Efficacy and Locus of Control is partially significant effect on employee performance in the perspective of the Balanced Scorecard. The coefficient of determination is known that the performance of employees in the perspective of the Balanced Scorecard can be explained by the variable Self Esteem, Self Efficacy and Locus of Control for while the remaining 83.5% 16.5% influenced by other variables that are not in care. Key words: Self Esteem, Self Efficacy and Locus of Control and performance of employees in the perspective of the Balanced Scorecard

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan : Pendekatan Terhadap Rasio Keuangan Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Di Bei

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence about the significance of the influence of the company's financial performance through financial ratio approach: Net Profit Margin, Debt To Equity, Loans To Deposit Ratio and Return On Equity BOPO of the Banking companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The population in this study is Perusahaa banks whose shares are listed on the Stock Exchange with the study period of 2008 s / d 2010. The number of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of banking by the end of 2010 is 31 Bank. Samples used to determine the census method, ie the entire population is sampled, due to the limited number of samples used in the processing of data pooling methods, where "n" used multiplication of the number of banks (31 banks) with a sample period by the number of 31 banks. Mechanical testing data is to use the classic assumptions of analysis, multiple linear regression, t test, F test, Test Determinansi coefficient. Keyword : Net Profit Margin (NPM), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER),Loans To Deposito Ratio (LDR), BOPO, dan Return On Equity (ROE)